Tag Archives: Media Storage

Easy Blu-Ray, DVD, and Software Organization…


What do you do with all those movie cases?  Line them up on the shelf, and if your just a little bit anal retentive, they are organized alphabetically, maybe by genre…what else can you do with them?  As our collection grew and got totally out of hand, but I found this solution in an organization magazine…

We put most of our media into notebooks. So you can use any three-ring notebook for this project. We chose a simple black fabric scrapbook from Walmart. They were a little on the pricy side being $10 each, but I liked the look better than a plastic binder. We also got special sheets specifically for binders that hold up to four discs per side, I think these were $15 a pack, and I used two packages. The last thing I purchased was a set of stick on letters from the scrapbook section of a hobby story, they cost about $5. If you use a standard notebook with a cover sleeves you can actually just print out a label and slip it in. I made a template out of a piece of cardstock I had lying around to cut down the cover art. I cut it to fit into one of the disc sleeves.

So we organized our media by type (Blu-Ray vs DVD) and then alphabetized them.  You could also sort by genre, it would be really neat for small children to have their own movie book so they can easily pick what they want, and you know your child is watching something you’d approve of.  I separated the cover art from the Media cases and used my template to cut out the title.  I tried to line it up so I got the best view of the title and cover art, on some it was easy, others not so much.  I slide the title into one of the Disc sleeves and next to it the movie.

For all the little extra bits we didn’t want to get rid of we just put a page protector in the back and slide them in, we had a few booklets we wanted to save, and a set of old school 3D glasses.

Software I organized differently. I used dividers in this binder for each computer we have, then I organized the restore, back up and driver discs and manuals behind that divider. At the end is all the software that can be loaded to any computer, things like games, software. This makes it some much easier if you have a computer problem, you go to one spot for all your software needs.

While we didn’t put every disc in the binders, we have a few box sets and collector’s additions we wanted to keep intact, it certainly cleared off additional space for books and other things.