Basement Blues


If you’ve been following my blogs, you should know I hate my basement.  I’m not a big fan of basements in general, they are dark and dank, creepy crawlies tend to gather in them, they give me the willies.  But for practical reasons our bedroom is in the basement.  It’s cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter, and with the washer and dryer down in the basement there is less hauling laundry up and down stairs.  Plus, that frees up the one bedroom upstairs to be our dinning room.  More living space upstairs, means less hanging out in the basement.  And because of this, our basement has become the place where all things go to be forgotten about.  So our basement is a mess, especially the second bedroom.  Originally this summer I planned to get rid of a ton of furniture, rip out all the old carpet and completely redo the whole thing.  Steve put the kibosh on that plan.  All ways the voice of reason, he was right, we don’t have the time or money to completely redo the whole thing.  So I’ve set my sights on the back bedroom, the biggest eye sore in the basement.

Yesterday I pulled the full size mattress and boxsprings out to the curb, all by myself!  Remember when you were in your twenties, and you could abuse your body, dragging furniture all over the place, and the next morning you rolled out of bed to do it all over again…yeah, I miss that.  I’m sore today, but feeling pretty good about what’s left.  Since we never have guests stay over, and we really want a workshop/art studio, this bedroom is going to fit the bill.  Here is the problem, Steve wants a place to set up a scroll saw, and have a nice area to do wood working projects, and I want a place where I can do my crazy DIY things, as well as have a place to do some art.  So, I need a room that is versatile, easy to clean, and very organized…we’ll see if I can pull this off.

My overall budget is small.  I’ve got $100 in gift cards for various home improvement stores, and another $100 from birthday money.  In addition I’m hoping to sell some furniture on Craigslist and pick up an additional $100-150.  So this will be a brand new room on a shoestring budget of $350.  If it was just a paint and some furniture, I’d say it was totally do able.  However, if we are going to be painting, woodwork, and what ever else we need to do, carpet isn’t the ideal flooring.  I kind of already Towanda-ed (yep that would be a Fried Green Tomatoes reference) the carpet out.  Now I need a cheap flooring solution for the bare concrete floor…and it all needs to be done in just over a month (oh and did I mention I was going away for a week in July, so three weeks…hum).  So here is today’s to do list…

1.  Research flooring options

2.  Post furniture on Craigslist

3.  Measure the room and come up with a solid plan

4.  Convince Steve the plan is do-able…

Think I’ve lost my mind, well probably, but help me out anyway…tell me what you think about my plan, or about your own DIY woes and wins…comment below.

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